Prices - Muzeum Śląska Wrocław
Cennik Muzeum Sląska Wroclaw



adult ticket35,00 ZŁ
children/student ticket*25,00 ZŁ
family ticket** (2+2; 2+3)99,00 ZŁ
group ticket***20,00 ZŁ
adult ticket with Karta Dużej Rodziny****30,00 ZŁ
children/student tiket with Kartą Dużej Rodziny****20,00 ZŁ
adult ticket with Karta Aglomeracyjna*****17,50 ZŁ
children/student ticket with Karta Aglomeracyjna*****12,50 ZŁ
adult ticket with Karta Nasz Wrocław (10% discount)******31,50 ZŁ
children/student ticket with Karta Nasz Wrocław  (10% discount)*******22,50 ZŁ


adult ticket25,00 ZŁ
children/student ticket*15,00 ZŁ
family ticket** (2+2; 2+3)70,00 ZŁ
group ticket***10,00 ZŁ
adult ticket with Karta Dużej Rodziny****22,00 ZŁ
children/student tiket with Kartą Dużej Rodziny****12,00 ZŁ
adult ticket with Karta Aglomeracyjna*****12,50 ZŁ
children/student ticket with Karta Aglomeracyjna*****7,50 ZŁ
adult ticket with Karta Nasz Wrocław (10% discount)******22,50 ZŁ
children/student ticket with Karta Nasz Wrocław  (10% discount)*******13,50 ZŁ

*Children/Student ticket –  school children and youth up to 18 years of age, students up to 26 years of age, pensioners, people with disabilities, attendant of a person with disabilities during individual trips (upon presentation of the relevant document).

**Family ticket – two adults and two/three children or youth up to 18 years of age.

***Group ticket – min. 15 fully paid people. The group, including attendants, cannot exceed 50 people.

****Karta dużej rodziny – holders of a Karta dużej rodziny are entitled to a discount of PLN 3 on the regular price of a ticket for visiting the Museum, and a discount of PLN 5 on the regular price of a ticket for visiting the Museum + Stadium tour. Details of the program are available on the website of the Ministry of Family and Social Policy.

*****Karta Aglomeracyjna – participants of the Wrocław Agglomeration program are entitled to a one-time discount of 50% on the regular ticket price. Details of the program are available on the website of the Wrocław Agglomeration.

******Nasz Wrocław regular ticket – participants of the Nasz Wrocław program are entitled to a one-time discount of 10% on the regular price of a normal ticket. Details of the program are available on the website of the city of Wrocław.

*******Nasz Wrocław discount ticket – children of an adult with an active Taxpayer Status are entitled to a one-time discount of 10% from the regular price of a discount ticket, up to 3 children. Details of the program are available on the website of the city of Wrocław.

A FREE ENTRY TICKET IS ENTITLED TO (museum and museum + stadium tour):

  1. Children under the age of 4.
  2. One attendant for each group of 10 visitors as part of an organized group.
  3. Guides and pilots upon presentation of the relevant documents, if the above-mentioned persons act as guides or pilots of a given trip.
Muzeum Śląska Wrocław